THAITESOL Journal is a semiannual, peer-reviewed, official, international journal of Thailand TESOL. It publishes articles, research papers, review articles and book reviews on applied linguistics and language learning and teaching. The journal serves as a platform for the scholars in the field to present their works to those who are interested.

Submission of Manuscripts

All submissions must be uploaded through our online Thai Journal Online (ThaiJO) Manuscript Submission System at You will be asked to first register and log in to use the online system. Complete instructions are provided on the site.

Preparation of Manuscripts

THAITESOL Journal accepts academic articles, research papers and review articles typed in English between 5,000 and 7,000 words and book reviews no longer than 2,000 words in length, using 11 point size of Times New Roman and 1.5 line spacing. References in articles should conform to the requirements of the APA referencing system. Please include cover letter comprising the author’s affiliation, location, mailing address, telephone number, and email address and adhere to the following guidelines.

Manuscripts will be firstly screened by the editorial team. If a manuscript is of insufficient quality, it may be rejected at this stage. However, if approved, it will be passed on to two more anonymous reviewers according to their expertise. The double-blind review process will be used. The editorial team reserves the right to accept or reject articles and unpublished manuscripts

Language and font:

Manuscripts must be in English. Use Times New Roman 11 point and 1.5 line spacing. Set all margins to 2.5 cm.


Articles, research papers, and review articles should be between 5,000 and 7,000 words. Book reviews should not be longer than 2,000 words.


The title should be concise and informative with all capital letters.


Give the full name of all authors and their complete addresses, as well as contact information for the corresponding author, complete mailing address, and e-mail address.


The abstract should not exceed 250 words, clearly summarizing the important findings of the paper. It should contain hard facts such as objectives, methods and major results.


Provide 4-6 keywords which help direct readers through the article.


The introduction must provide the necessary background of the paper and a brief review of related literature. A clear statement of the objectives should also be included.


and Methods:

Describe the experimental procedures clearly enough for others to repeat the same experiment so that the same result could be obtained. A careful discussion of the methodology will include exactly who the population was, how many subjects participated, what the procedures were, where the research took place, how long the research procedure lasted, and all other details of the instruments (including the exact survey questions, for example). In the case of experimental research, the description should include how the control group’s instruction covered the same content, length of time, and learning outcomes as that of the experimental group(s). In general, this part of the article will be at least 25% of the total article.

Results and Discussion:

This section should contain “Results” and interpretation of the results in relation to existing knowledge. This section should begin with exactly what the data showed and then describe the author’s interpretation of the data.


State conclusion (do not summarize) briefly. Headings and sub-headings should be left aligned, with the first letter capitalized.

Other requirements:

Indicate new paragraphs by using one extra line space. Short quotations should be incorporated into the text and enclosed with double quotation marks. Quotations of more than about 40 words should be set off from the main text body by indentation, without any quotation marks. Manuscripts should follow the APA referencing style. That is, references in the text should be ordered alphabetically and contained the name of the author and the year of publication, e.g. (Thomas, 2001). References listed at the end should be in alphabetical order by first author’s family name and be consistent with APA referencing style. For direct quotations, include the relevant page number(s), e.g. (Thomas, 2001, p.34). Tables, figures or diagrams should be numbered consecutively and included in the relevant part of the text. Each should have an explanatory title. Numbers up to and including ten should be spelt out and numbers over ten should be expressed as figures.


of English:

Before submitting articles for consideration, authors are solely responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts have been thoroughly proofread and edited to achieve the appropriate standard of professional English. Thailand TESOL should not be expected to improve the quality of the writer’s English. Manuscripts that do not meet this requirement will be rejected or returned to the authors for revision before the peer review process is undertaken.

Publishing ethics

All the work reported in the manuscript must be original and free from any kind of plagiarism.

The work should not have been published elsewhere or submitted to any other journal(s) at the same time.

Any potential conflict of interest must be clearly acknowledged.

Proper acknowledgements to other work reported (individual/ company/ institution) must be given. Permission must be obtained from any content used from other sources.

Only those who have made any substantial contribution to the interpretation or composition of the submitted work, should be listed as ‘Authors’. While other contributors should be mentioned as ‘co-authors’.

 The ethics statement for THAITESOL Journal is based on those by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct guidelines available at

** Submissions that have not followed the above requirements will not be considered.

Volume 36 No 1 January 2023

Volume 36 No 1 January 2023

Volume 36 No 1 January 2023

Volume 35 No 2 June 2022

Volume 35 No 2 June 2022

Volume 35 No 2 June 2022

Volume 35 No 1 January 2022

Volume 35 No 1 January 2022

Volume 35 No 1 January 2022

Volume 34 No 2 June 2021

Volume 34 No 2 June 2021

Thailand TESOL Journal Vol 34 No 2 June 2021

Volume 34 No 1 June 2021

Volume 34 No 1 June 2021

Thailand TESOL Journal Vol 34 No 1 June 2021

Volume 33 No 2 December 2020

Volume 33 No 2 December 2020

Thailand TESOL Journal Vol 33 No 2 December 2020

Volume 33 No 1 June 2020

Volume 33 No 1 June 2020

Thailand TESOL Journal Vol 33 No 1 June 2020